don't you just hate sold outs?

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Amidst the numerous bills i am obliged to pay the whole year and the inevitable lemmings, i finally gave in to the idea of buying a jeffrey campbell pixie wedge (via online of course) when i chanced upon Sophia of phosphenefashion and Chantal of cocorosa.

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photo credits: phosphene

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photo credits: cocorosa

Sadly, the pixie wedge is totally sold out but on feb 28 , i think there'll be new stocks of the design. Nevertheless, i must put in mind that a million fashion bloggers are waiting to get their claws for the next set of pixie wedges. Its a dead giveway for me since those booties are a dead ringer of the famous RICK OWENS boots... severely cut from the same cloth..

i dunno but lately, ive been neglecting my Doc Martens. Im becoming partial with manheels and wedges. scary it may sound but i love the feel of seeing my whole body esp. my thick thighs elongate before my very eyes. Now i clearly understand that clothes become more appreciated when draped on a long bodice.

im super frustrated, i have searched the odds and ends of every shoe shop i know but no alternatives are spotted. They say that when you are incapable of purchasing something, you choose an alternative. But this isn't as easy as the
save vs. spend section of Instyle or some fashion magazine. It's not some shoe you can see on J. Crew or Target. My last resort would be asking a friend/blogger/shoe shop owner (Soule Phenomenon) to make me an exact bespoke boots. But still... maybe ima be patient and wait for now and search the net for an exact knockoff.

been on MIA mode for several days already... sorry.. this week was crazy and i'm kinda fixing some documents like a serious desperate job applicant. Would you even believe that i lost my college diploma? i know.. im irresponsible with keeping papers and serious stuff.


  1. exclusive for my fb friends but You want it karl? I can give to you for 350 only..:) email me if you want it :) thanks karl:) muahgzz!

  2. i can totally see you in these... DO IT!

  3. I own those wedges.
    what size do you need?

  4. hautebitch: hi bitch! hehe/../ thanks.. i will!! LETS DO THIS!! HEHE


    really? i think im a size 8 to 9.. are u selling those?>

  6. Not selling, but will try to find a brand new pair for you.

  7. oh really? thats so sweet of u.\\thanks.. thats wonderful.. ill try to find one too online hehe thanks much dear\

  8. the divinitus.. thanks for bein a great help... yer so sweet really. million thanks. i owe u big time.. now ill just ask my mom ta use her paypal for me. hihi
    love love

  9. i want those wedges too! darn it! why are the shoes being sold here in Manila so crappy! we have to resort to international online stores. Arrrgh!


    I hope you still have the patience to wait =)

  11. kookie: i have to agree. sawa na ako s mga manila-ish styles hehe.. they look the same. grr.. will find one soon! thanks to nicole!

  12. soule: faster bebe! heehehe chos.. grabe.. reserve me the pixie wedge pls


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