jelly ace for the chubby face

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strawberry is my fave !!

so i woke up early feeling so so hungry. Good thing I had my jelly ace chilled in the freezer. I just wish they are easy to open. I have a 12-hour work later this morning and thought it was a great avenue to burn those pesky flabs without the task of counting repeatedly . Oh how i hate counting! You see I'm still on the search of what diet works for me. I have gone from Vegan to Gerber to "no Rice" diet but still its so damn difficult when 98% of your friends cajole you into dining at Mcdonald's and most of them people never fail to eat rice.

I used to be a Vegan since the supermodel Raya Mananquil advised me to. We used to chat on then she became busy but yeah. I did try bein a vegan for a couple of months not only because Raya said so but i think it's all for the best. Sadly, I was working 8 hours as a secretary / xerox person in my aunt's office in Ortigas that time and its hard keeping up when our spot is surrounded with KFC and Mcdonald's and businessmen munching Lays for snack.

Right now im trying another diet which most of you might disagree of. I am on a jelly ace diet and Im on my 3rd day. Fingers crossed but i hope to lose 10lbs from this. I so wanna wear tank tops like Jujin and Rcxy do and my flabby arms are just so unsightly. The way they wobble and wave as i move is just pure humiliation. haha.. DOnt get me wrong i still eat bread and rice in the morning but that's it. Jelly Ace has sugar so its fine.

Too much carbs can kill you.. i think? so whats your diet?

been so tired and busy lately.. i have an upcoming diy project and im so excited. lol.


  1. personally, i think the jelly ace diet is unhealthy. i lost weight through food portion moderation. i eat the same things but in smaller portions. it takes more time but i dont get cravings. also, drink lots of water! it will make you feel full and is good for the skin. for your 'flabby' arms, why not lift some weights? i dont like my flabby innner thighs, but since i started doing some squats and exercises they looked better. it only takes 10-15 minutes a day. :) hope this helps!

  2. Thanks mIKA.. REally appreciate it.. i must hunt for the perfect "weights" to tone my arms.. surprisingly, i just quitted the jelly ace diet since the sugar is giving me too much headache. hehe
    thanks love


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