Cross my heart and HOPE you DIE

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Thumbsucking ala LOHAN..

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i wanna touch andre chang's goatie. he looked ultra fab ...

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drinks til 1 am only so fill in as muchos as possible!

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photo by Camilla Guidicelli

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curator/ organizer/ dj MANO LOTHO..

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my all time favorite Mark Arvin in denims

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sky and her light bulb. lagot ka! ginawa mong souvenir! hehe

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lights up , people!

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i turned lesbo for a minute, i think.. seeing Camille Guidicelli and Bella Oledan

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the beautiful CELINE FERROS...
p.c camille guidicelli

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the perks of bein tall and loving heels...

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im short i know! haha

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well at least i dint look fugly beside a hot chick!

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fashion buddy turned BFF MIKE MAGALLANES..

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we'll put up a "how to diy" show on tv soon.chos. GELO we need u here! !

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FIP STUDENT Patrick Padilla ...

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this is yer angle, paul

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now this is buffet! no, banquet! did i tell you that the food and drinks are overflowing!
daig pa ang debut ..charot!

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Earl , why are u so hot?

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now this girl is wearing THE SHOES!!!!..

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CELINE cheeky and cheery with daddy

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Rik Rasos took the photo. he asked me to ride the baby bike! i just cant admit the fact that i dont know how to ride one kaya go na lang

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PAT Mosby

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now who sprinkled V's on my punch this time!?chos

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isnt he too brilliant?!!! he told us he used the Loreal Mineral brush to paint the shoes! kabog!

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kings of convenience much?

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at the henry holland after party.. chos!!!

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the perfect harems ive seen so far...very far

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bonding time before going home

It was a fun night. its been a while since ive intoxicated my system with a wee amount of alcohol and as expected, after three bottles, my head is spinning ala kylie minogue. One sign that i am enjoying an event is whenever i dance and drink in my own little way and i did.. i think?

While the sound is reverberating through the speakers , we were talking at the top of our lungs.. talking..discussing.. reminiscing the PRE-LADY GAGA ERA. an era once reigned by Kylie Minogue! we really enjoyed THAT discussion..and Patrick's hand-on-the-hips dance..

i WAS glad he was in our team that night! Mike and Patrick were like biological brothers. and theyre both fans of Kpop and Comme des Garcon. Isnt it too evident on their trousers?

I had a chance to meet Earl Semitara too. 2 days earlier he was in Boracay , partying with danielle of TRUST ME ITS PARADISE hence , the surprise i felt seeing him in a plaid shirt with a bottle of beer on his left hand. He was nice and fun to be with. Andre Chang was there as well. Actually , i gave in to the invitation not only because we wanted to show our undying support to Celine and Sarah, but also because Andre Chang will be there too.

It was so nice bein surrounded with the people who doesnt take things THAT seriously. Infectious , very! I wish Gelo Arucan , Kookie, Yekky, jP Singson and the others were present during the event. anyhoots, the event will run until April 11 AT LR DESIGN PLAZA.


  1. i love this Karl.:) i made a blog din..;)


  3. sky: yep nabasa ko na! hehe
    ganda nga E!

  4. haha you look cute on that bicycle :))

  5. maureen.. di nga ako nakalayo e.. i cant drive! heheTHANKS BABE

  6. i wanna join the how to diy show!! hahahahahahaha... how bout me? you don't wish i was there? hmpft. chos lang!

  7. gelo ayan na inedit na! sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy mejo nagmamadali na kasi dulo na ng write up. huhu
    i dint mean it sorry

    anyhow ininvite k naman namen e mwah mwha

  8. hahaha eh maliit naman kasi, paano pa kaya ako :)) i'm 5'9 person hahaha

  9. yup but it's not obvious kasi i'm chubby :D

  10. earl is my friends friend :) haha :) JP is cute :) hhahaha

  11. hey babe! i got your invite via text message but I didn't reply na coz for sure I won't be able to attend naman. :( SUPER SAYANG! Earl was there pala. I want to see him in the flesh too!

    Anyhoots, your new 'do really suits in gusto kong gayahin pero I'm chicken that way. And I applaud you for your DIY pieces. Galing ha!

    P.S. I want Mike's Lennon sunglasses! Waaaah!

  12. grizzy: hehe wow small world.. JP ISNT CUTE.. hes hot!

  13. kooks: haha thanks kookie!! i love u.. hay ang mahal mo xe e.. mahal talent fee mo kaya til now d p kita namimit chos! haha
    mis u
    kaya mo yan
    be the first PINAY KATE LANPHEAR! HAHA

  14. Ah Earl looks so tan I love it. What a fun event!

  15. dane.u must come to mla naman.. share with us a lil part of u! haha,.,. mwah


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