who wants to be right as a rain...

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shirt diy, pants ADD, Shoes Guiseppe Zanotti

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that stick isnt mine! ...

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so it rained this afternoon..i was outside and i thought that our neighbor was just watering her plants or her dead orchids from the 3rd floor.. funny to think that it even drizzled.. the extremely febrile weather was toned down... NATTTT!!!!

went to hospital with my mom for her check up w/ her GYNE..while they were talking about vajayjays, i was busy playing text twist.. for 20minutes..thank God the place is airconditioned.

actually, the heat skyrocketed thrice as much.. i may not know the temperature specifically , but the sweat explains it all...the grimace painted on the people's faces tells it all.. the sweaty stentch says it all..

alas, another golden opportunity for me to wear white! my aunt bought this white dhotti denims from last year coz she always see it on chictopia whenever i borrow her laptop. to tell you the truth, i dint like it. how can a 5'4" meaty guy appreciate the ill-looking sillhouette it gives , let alone ,wear it with confidence? but dhottis are supposed to make u look baggy .. thats the whole point.so i gave in..

just make sure that you wear heels.. even if youre a guy. straight? why not! yeah. i think that makes sense...

So everyones diving in the beach lately..I am kinda considering going to the beach alone or with a non-friend. the type who'll take you there and leave you on some remote part of the beach without commenting on yer flabby arms and waist . someone who won't care too much.... hmm..


  1. the hair! ngayon ko lang napansin! hehe. ukay ukay na! :)

  2. cute outfit. it's really hot today. Drizzling makes the temp rise talaga

  3. ONIN the great haha..oo.ganyan din hair mo db
    yah. may ukay b jan s sng?

  4. maureeen... yah i think ive learned that in HS.. hehe thanks babe

  5. Karl!!! I love your outfit so much especially that bloody shirt and the boots!!! AWESOMEEE.

  6. whoa, there you go, another one.. fashionista..

    you look good, if you are straight lotsa ladies will fall in line to have you.. hehehehehehe

  7. i love your diy shirt. and your style actually. winner.


  8. Duh, why did not I realize that you indeed have a blog!

    Great pics, the surroundings match perfectly to the outfit.

  9. kamicha: hehe thanks. i just started november last year.. i shouldav started way way back ughhh.. thanks love ya


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