

cover up - edrick bruel / shorts - Mental / shoes- soule phenomenon




Today was all about food. I attended the respective anniversary event of 2 of my favorite dessert cafes in town. will blog about this soon..Yes it was traffic all around the metro since them Chinese folks are celebrating new year. Happy Chinese New year.

It might seem like I am wearing my granny's old rags and tattered linen. Homeless.. wandering whilst the thin and corrugated fabrics rub each layer. I never iron my clothes. i never fold them. I wish I'm strict when it comes to organizing my stuff but my mom brought me up differently, haha.


  1. It was great seeing you today.. Thank you thank you thank you again for the invitation.. You are definitely a huge part of the most memorable and fun experiences I have as a blogger.. Thank you for making my last 3 months here unforgettable. :) Love you!

  2. Karl! It was a good thing I didn't leave that early! I was able to see and greet you pa!! :) Sayang! Wished more time with you guys! :)

    Melai of Style and Soul


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