pantone of the opera






another package from last week. Xend delivery is beginning to get so used of seeing my giddy face whenever i receive a package from them.

a good friend of mine Yekky Balingit made me this vibrant neckpiece a day prior my FADAL shoot. He is the brainchild and the designer of the brand MIADORE. The theme of the photoshoot required a pantone color so i mildly panicked since i literally don't have much colors on my wardrobe. I tweeted Yekky and asked for his help. I sent him pegs which i could describe as something Margielic- blunt, simple , discreet but him being an Alber Elbaz / Lanvin aficionado , made a very flamboyant and feminine piece which turned out fantastic. Its chunky and i like it! Thanks Yekky for this gift. I'll be expecting more from your line. check his facebook page .

I'll be taking this baby out soon. The world must see how great this neckpiece is!


  1. i love the vibrant color.and those balls wrapped inside. it's really beautiful. can't wait to see you incorporate this in your outfit.

  2. it is so preeeetyyyy. the color is eye popping.

  3. denise: i will one of these days promise! hehe thnkss

  4. ching: i knoww! my frst time to have a pink accessories. and its a fantastic piece thankfully

  5. ava ho hello. thanks... thats yekky's specialty hhehe


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