Charlie May

If there's someone I could relate to with my blogging x designing thing , that would be Charlie May. She's one of the top UK Bloggers I look up to. I can't remember who dropped a comment  first but I've been a fan of her philosophy. I still get jitters whenever she leaves a comment or two on my humble bloggy. Read her blog here. Recently, she pursued her designing career and her design ethos definitely resonates her personal style. Isn't it amazing when someone with a strong personal style becomes a fashion designer? It's an organic way of extending one's interest and passion in fashion. My fave among her collection was her Spring/Summer 2013. She's starting to build her name in the industry and knowing it's a tough world out there, Charlie is doing a fantastic job. Her pieces are usually minimal but with punctuated statements. We all know how minimalism are favored by the more mature audience but Charlie's pieces have this underground London youth vibe with the conceptual rigor of Helmut Lang, Margiela, A.C.N.E. , and Ann Demeulemeester.

Buy her pieces here .

This post is dedicated for you, Charlie.


photos: 5inch and up , fashion156, ,


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