
Was about to post my RICK OWENS collage + runway photos for fw2013  then Josephin's blog
appeared.. caught my attention like really she did I mean how can you not !?This is the real deal! 
 The real RICK OWENS girl..

I mean I just reblogged her most fresh from the blogging oven- kind of recent post (3seconds ago) 
AND i honestly dunno if it's breaking the blogging law but it's 1am already and I've never been this
excited about someone's outfit post. She's so aspirational yet authentic like i could 
touch her , and smell the heavy knits of her top.

Some girls wish that they're Kim Kardashunn ... but I terribly wish,  I was her.
ok that's so psycho//



  1. I can see why you have a crush! Awesome!!



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