PHOTODIARY/ Back Together
As you all know , Larrend went back to Australia last May and he returned to the Philippines this August. We were supposed to meet halfway in Singapore but we changed plans. He is the sweetest. For someone to move mountains and travel miles just to see you, I consider myself lucky. He stayed at our home for 10 days and everything went well between my family and him. Even my yayas like him! He cooked meal for us and we met up with my friends. I am still organizing the photos and soon I will share them with you.
The 10 days that he's here was so memorable yet hanging. Well, we're onto our next reunion so no reason to be sad.
He brought his film camera and here are the photos. Tonight is our 4th month anniv. =)
"Color Outcast"
in front of Ibarra Restaurant in Manila . Larrend is carrying his fave Krispy Kremes...
toys r us
last date before he flies to OZ. He bought roses from a random vendor then he gave the roses to me in front of my parents.. naks..

Valenzuela City
You two are so wonderful it makes me very happy! I hope you two are together for a long long time! <3 <3 <3 Perfect Match!