OUTFIT / Everyday

The F/W Lookbook of A Wang and Zara have been engraved in my head whenever I dress up. That moment when you  go towards the closet yet confused of what to pick among the basic stuff inside. I summon the vibe ,recalling how nonchalant and free and functional the clothes are and from there, a headstart transpires. I love how the mundane has become a style staple. If you dissect, I'm just wearing a white sweater and dark denim however when these pieces mix , the product of that simple equation  offers us with something more.

I'm getting hooked with basic leather boots. I was searching for a perfect Chelsea boots and these came at the right timing. Reminds me of A.wang

Topshop quilt sweater / UNIQLO black pants / zip Black leather boots - Marikina/ Canvas backpack- thrifted
