OUTFIT / Proper Classic

In this outfit ,  I imagined a long hair. Maybe a bit unruly like Freja Beja or volumized bob ala Daria Werbowy. I miss my long spider-like bangs , thick and full of character. To you it may seem that I look younger than my age , but I've been noticing changes. Slow metabolism, slow hair growth. I can't even! Embracing one's age is one tough act indeed. But the dressing up part is quite fun! I'm beginning to appreciate button down shirts versus tees ; tailored pants versus denim skinnies .. 

light gold necklace given by my boyfriend.. =)

Leather blazer - thrifted / White shirt - Balenciaga / crop tailored pants - BCBG Max Azria / Jeffrey Campbell lucite brogues via Solestruck


  1. you look great. How are the shoes? they look cool, did u diy? xx

    1. Hi Melissa! how are you doing? nah. solestruck gave them to me. they're from Jeffrey Campbell.


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