LIFE / Morning , Manila

White shirts, morning breath , fragrant coffee , soft ray of sunshine , growling stomach , tousled hair, distant vehicle noises  - All comprises a complete morning. From time to time, I always tell my man that staying in the province during his holidays is the best but no one can attest the allure of the city especially with him beside me.


  1. Firstly- soo romantic. The photos are so nice but not cheesy <3
    Secondly- love those leather shorts! Where are they from?

    1. i commented on yer blog haha thanks babe... di ako bagay mag cheesy lol. thanks Tina

  2. Saw your comment babe. AMAZING!
    and OMG, I'm not too picky, i think we have the same idea of standards. I've been trying to buy from Paradign Shift actually ;-)


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