OUTFIT / Boxy Top

white boxy shirt - Ninthsheep

So happy that my man loved the boxy top that I made. Neoprene is haplessly a rare fabric here in Manila but I found a similar one that is stiff enough to form a shape but has a stretchy feel to give room to the body and clothes. I'm still thinking if I'm gonna sell some of it online at this point. I was able to wear them myself  and I'll be posting photos soon. Email me if you're interested to have a shirt made =) 


  1. How cool, especial gifts when made by the ones you love.
    Also the neoprene by Novevite was from last season AW13, it was on sale and it is sold out now, I am glad I got my hands on it, it is like a leatherprene look and I love it, I am def gonna be wearing lots come fall and winter xx

    1. thanks Melissa.. oh thats the reason why it wasnt shown anymore. i wish theyll restock in white... cant wait for more looks ... hugs


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