OUTFIT / Grey Uniform

  Balenciaga sweater
Vero Moda trousers
Jeffrey Campbell platform derbies

It's more exciting to overindulge with details when you wear a monochromatic ensemble. The sky is in its funny grey shade and so was I. My pants might have gone overboard with the numerous buttons, random pockets , asymmetrical shape and volume but looking at it doesn't feel disturbing. Rather , the cacophonous details created a signature that would classify my outfit as a something outfit rather than a "gray" outfit. As if my languid sweater wasn't giving me enough volume , I still unhesitatingly picked these special pants of mine as it reminded me of the good ol' Margiela circa 2007. Call me chroma-crazy but I would pair the whole thing with a cement grey shoes however my grey Costume National boots looked off with them hence the black derbies. Still, My dream is to wear grey from head to toe. Let's wait for that time when my head is all greyed up and I've found that perfect grey shoes with this outfit. Funny that I'm beginning to see some tiny hair in shiny silver , a sign of aging or stress? perhaps. Speaking of hair , I apologize for the unruly do. I have been neglecting those hair products in fear of further damaging my tresses. The wind was terribly misbehaving when these photos were taken. Happy 1st of August!!!


  1. great setting!


    1. so true.. I wish Manila has a lot of clean minimal locations.. I envy your country
      thanks Pieter


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