OUTFIT / Small Wonders

Neoprene two-way blazer - Frontrowshop
shorts - Philosophy
leather crop top - ZARA
shoes - Nike Airforce 1

One main thing I've learned about basics is to never  underestimate them. Functionality and aesthetically-wise, basics are build-able and fun to style.  I used to feel incomplete whenever I wear something lazy and comfortable outside because I really love dressing up. I may have tamed down in the drama department however I still find that unique quality in clothes. I was unaware that I picked out pieces that aren't oversized this time. The blazer is in medium while the shorts are from my boyfriend and yes they're sized small. As for the crop top , obviously, Zara created it for lean girls even if its a free size. Add to the fact that I'm so worried that my biceps (what?)  won't fit in.  This neoprene blazer was my armada for that day. My friends were surprised and laughing when I turned the jacket inside out before eating the spaghetti. Haplessly a micro splatter made its way onto the white sleeves but I washed it immediately when I got home. Yes it's my first time to wear the shoes since  I had it. The crazy relentless rain impeded me to wear white shoes but turned out the raindrops cleansed the rubber soles so I was happy. I'm just worried about the effect of it soiling the leather portion. It's my first time to wear the crop top from Zara I bought a week ago. I was saving it for some occasion but I then asked myself why not now? I was just not bold enough to wear it sans the blazer since I'm not so used to exposing skin especially if it's the midsection aka the flab area of responsibility.


  1. I can't tell you enough about how much i LOVE this look!!!
    Beautiful photography to match XOXO

    1. thank you Tina! your comments make my day complete! love ya

  2. excellent clean look, and couldn't agree more with you about basics. although they used to bore me in the past, I've really come to appreciate them lately. simplicity in form and function = the epitome of style for me

    1. we always agree on the same olevel.. thanks so much.. i am inspired with your looks too. if only women here would dress with the same flair as you do.. =)


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