DIY / Just Dye it!

I wish I could say that this is a new pair but they're just my old boots ( here ) . Probably, this is a great decision as far as my shoe wardrobe is concerned because the silver boots , I must admit, was too flashy. I only wore it twice.  I thoroughly appreciate the Saint Laurent reference there but one cannot question the black shoes' ability to blend in and stand out at the same time. It was funny that it took me about 6 months to think about this dyeing thing. So I talked to the shoe repair man nearby and requested to revamp the whole thing with a black leather dye for about  5 dollars (P180). After a day, I went back to get it and I was literally smiling from ear to ear. The leather boots looked more perfect than ever and the leather dye was seamlessly painted. As soon as I went home , i grabbed my black skinnies and yes,  my day was complete! I just love these Zara boots so much.


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