OUTFIT / Tailored for the weather

Nick Coleman pinstripe boxy jacket
UNIQLO tank top
BCBG tailored trousers
Zara boots
H&M X Margiela neckpiece

I can't help it. Whenever I smock this big jacket on, I instantly feel like a JUUN J. warrior looking tough with slick wet and flat hair. So I did. When it felt too hot, I remove the jacket and enjoyed the breeze with my cotton tank top. We cannot depend our clothes on the weather forecast because most of the time it fails to ... forecast but this guessing game has made me master  wearing clothes that will work on whatever weather will transpire.


  1. I love everything about this. You look gorgeous as always!

  2. A Juun J warrior is definitely the best description to this look! The fit of the jacket is out of this world!
    Also loving the way you styled your hair!

    \ Indigo Lights

    1. thanks.. my brother hated my hair oh well. thanks Babe!!!!

  3. so cool Karl! :D

    Michael Macalos


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