OUTFIT / Foam meets function


Foam sweater / FrontRow Shop
leather backpack / Cava bags
Low-crotch pants - Comme des Garcons 

It's been cold and raining everyday . The other day i forgot my white umbrella  and i came home with a soaked sweater.  It was my favorite grey sweater and the rain violated it with wet streaks. Thats what i hate about grey clothings. A neoprene sweater , instead, is a fail-proof  armada for the rain. Neoprene isnt just a useless trend , but a functional blessing. It's thick and water doesnt penetrate. Honestly, i was drawn to it because aestehtically, it creates a sculpture-like form but wearing it has proven its purpose that it's become a trusty armor and clothing in one.


  1. Love this sweater <3 <3 <3

    Hugs, Fabio | www.theblack-hairedboy.blogspot.com

  2. ah this looked like the tiny pattern you were working out the other day, got my hopes up!

    1. haahaha aww cyeoms thats so sweet... i'll be posting em soon.. hugs.. i appreciate it

  3. How didn't I ever think about this before? And you're right about grey clothes and rain, it looks terrible!

    \ Indigo Lights

    1. haha thanks so much. you always make me feel like im a genius or something. hugs ..


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