OUTFIT / No Plain , No gain

Mesh boxy shirt / SM dept store
coat ( tied in the waist) / thrifted
cotton shorts / Giordano
Mandals / Trendphile

My mind is always running and the other day I was absolutely doing nothing and I thought of trying out some outfits I have. I've just edited my closet and it gave me the perfect moment to explore with the pieces once again. I try not to plan outfits most of the time but it won't hurt to try out pieces in an unhurried manner. I had all day and I was so happy that basic key pieces mix seamlessly with other pieces. I couldn't stop marveling at how the white sweater can be worn with shorts, with a bomber jacket or with gray trousers. Not to mention, the look can swiftly change if you opt for a derbie (formality) or a minimal sandals (lazy). I am just so happy to reaffirm that less is , indeed, moreER! I have to thank the years of experimentation and styling I did from way back because I still kind of apply them .Styling really helps and the more you have control, the more you are hungry to experiment and attain a look. I was just trying out my white shirt and you just don't know how far it took me within the realms of my closet . I tried them on with almost everything, even with a simple running shorts. So , my advise is to re-edit the closet. Give some clothes to your friends or to your sister or whoever just to lessen the quantity of "stuff". It will become rewarding to see an amount of space in your "space".


  1. I love what you wrote and I couldn't agree more! It is great to have a wardrobe filled with pieces that can all be mixed with each other!

    \ Indigo Lights

    1. aww i appreciate you took the time to read .. love yah.. thanks

  2. This is a really fantastic outfit and sage advice re: culling your wardrobe. I'm trying really hard to cull mine back to 85% shades of blue, and I am finding I am so much happier over-all with my clothes.

    1. thanks sp much Grant. yes a little shedding off wouldnt hurt.. i love navy blues too.. thanks

  3. This is so great. You look divine in white.

    1. thanks .. i wish my skin was paler though.. hugs

  4. I need to find the time to go through my closet get it cleaned up, donate, trade. You look great. You should try and meet my friend Tina from The religion Black blog. You both in Manila right? xx

    1. yes babe i do know her. she's a very good supporter... and she's popular here in manila.. thanks babe.. whenever you drop by, i feel so so happy

    2. Yes I love her. Nad I am also thankful and grateful when you stop by my blog xx

  5. Great outfit! Love your style <3

    Fabio | www.theblack-hairedboy.blogspot.com


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