OUTFIT / Lightweight bomber jacket

Lightweight bomber jacket / Ninthsheep
Neoprene tee / Ninthsheep
pants / UNIQLO
shoes / Dr. Martens

Towards the end of august , I bought me some supplies of fabric for future use. larrend and i are planning to create a wardrobe of minimal tops consisting of sweaters, big boxy shirts and cover ups. I realize that ive been stocking up fabrics more than i am utilizing them then one day i said why not start cutting the fabric for a sweater. I've been mentally designjng pieces and the more I stayed on designing, the more i delayed the creating process. The issue of being and doing slapped right in front of me. So i grabbed my scissors and a colored pencil and started on with this black scuba. It's a simple sweater that i turned into a cover up. I cut open the front bodice so it would be a cover up slash bomber jacket and because cover ups are key items hence you can pretty much maximize its use. It is obviously light, making it layer-friendly and it's smart for packing too. I've had heavy coats and jackets for years and i am beginning to realize that you can actually make structured jackets in light materials.  The coat, devoid of any zippers and heavy details, has now become my staple. I found a much thicker scuba fabric and i am thinking of making another bomber in a bigger size soon. So excited for that! 


  1. for myself it seems the hardest part is starting the physical part of design. the result is very wearable and definitely layerable! can't wait to see what's next for Ninthsheep! xx

    1. awww cyeoms thats the sweetest. thanks so much.. yes i'll be updfating you all..

  2. Love it! <3

    Fabio | www.theblack-hairedboy.blogspot.com


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