COLLECTION / Nicomede Talavera F/W 15

photos: HERO

Nicomede Talavera's collection augmented my desire to have a white Converse! I love everything. First , the hair. Every menswear fashion week , I always check the hair.  I used to hate my high hairline but the beauty / grooming team plus Talavera's vision created a new covetable hairstyle that haplessly only boys with chiseled face could pull off (which doesnt include me). Then the eyewear which is so so Rad. I think this is one of the best for me after Rad Hourani's collab with MYKITA in 2010. The Cutler and Gross-ish style of the specs was treated with a futuristic flair. The long tunic-like shirts created a Future Nomadic look with the culotte pants and pinstriped prints.A true London bloke style that I've always always admired. London Menswear is so full of fire and talent. OMG! 


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