OUTFIT / Maximum

Neoprene tee / Ninthsheep
slouchy pants / vintage Armani 
slides / DIY

This outfit is the perfect definition of holiday. The tee and the shirt is big enough for movement , for concealing fully fed tummies, for quick naps. Who cares about wrinkles and anti-fitting clothes?  I should make a black version of this big tee too since I think big shirts are just an addiction of mine. I was exploring this empty dining hall in the hotel upon awakening. It was perfect and empty! The big windows and high ceilings are very inviting and entrancing. It is a sad part of the hotel I think but the lightness of the facade makes up for it.  I would've frightened a hotel staff if I was seen alone standing lifeless in the early morning , I am sure of that . Wearing all white can be quite a sight. 


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