OUTFIT / mnml + mnl

shoes  / Charlie Oxfords by Deandri
Kimono boxy shirt / Ninthsheep
Culottes / Izzue Hongkong
leather backpack / Eastpak via Menlook.com

These Deandri shoes turned out to be the trickiest among all my shoes. I have lesser shoes now. From what used to be 30 pairs became 11 pairs now. Having lesser shoes would really make you wear each pair like these oxford shoes. I don't hate it but I am not crazy about it either . However I can't stomach the though of giving it or selling it either. It's too special and I love it when it's just in my closet but once I start wearing it , it becomes odd. It makes my posture in a relatively odd stance. It decreases my height sadly and I have to really think hard for the outfit to pair it with. It's not the same with Doc Marten's where you can just literally pair it with anything under the sun. However, a miracle occurred that day. I think I don't have to further explain why but I love this outfit. I still get troubles styling clothes even if I am guided with minimalism. I don't have the perfect model body that's why. I think the outfit was inspired after I researched about Agi & Sam's collection 2 weeks prior. Anyway , I was exploring Manila before classes and work started after the Holidays. I enjoyed the emptiness of the streets so much. An experience I've been yearning  to do for so long.


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