OUTFIT / Basic boost

Neoprene shirt / Ninthsheep
pants / Initial
shoes / Jeffrey Campbell

/ I love big clothes on me . It reminds me of kids playing dress up. I think I am still that kid who marvels at the way clothes transforms a physique when he sees how the big neckline reveals the collar bone or when the sleeves are big enough that the arms wind up as an elephant's trunk. The undulation of loose pants like a voluminous blanket as I walk fast during the day or the beguilling sight of my small head versus a jacket 4x my size. People would mistake my clothes as costumes for I don't know why. But it's okay to have weird clothes coz I abhor the thought of sharing any of my treasures with them anyway.


  1. I love big clothes too, love that blue! I wish to have something in that colour :)

  2. I love big clothes on you too! And on myself haha.

    The textured wall and the fabric of your sweater are looking so strong together! Unfortunately we don't have that kinda walls here in Amsterdam.

    xx Sophia

    Btw, to respond on your comment. Your photography is pretty amazing already!!

    1. haha yes textures and oversize are the key magic words haha

      aww thats so sweet.you know I would trade Manila for Amsterdam anytime of the day. thanks so much .. i feel humbled by your comments

  3. That shirt ... Ugh!!!!! Looks so damn fantastic on you. You rock that color like no one else!


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