PHOTODIARY / Minimal houses 01

Boredom is a good thing. It paves way to a new avenue of activity and before you even realize, boredom doesn't exist anymore. Most of the time. Larrend and I are laidback . We don't have tv at home. We always workout or jog but sometimes we just don't feel like doing those routines anymore so one day we just drove around this cool residence near the beach where all the minimal modernist houses are built. Looking at them inspired us to own a house one day. It's not a bad thing to dream of owning a house. Some people collect pokemon cards or vintage cars but owning a house is, if within reason, a practical necessity.But of course we would want our house to be something at par with the photos above. Sometimes when we drive to town , I would always keep my eyes peeled for modern houses.Usually , I gasp when I see those small boxy houses with matte paint on the walls with angular roofings.  I have a part 02 for this on my next post.


  1. so good to dream big. sometimes it feels like all tv wants to do is tell you what to think and dream, it's such a strange community of people that unite that way. what a beautiful place, looks like perfect blue skies everyday!

    1. I share the same principle , love! that's why we avoid tv . Cheers!


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