LIFE / 2nd Year Anniv

Today we are celebrating our 2nd year anniversary! I wouldn't write cliche statements but all I can say is dreams really do come true but it doesn't end there. To achieve it , one must put a lot of efforts and sacrifices for it. When Larrend and I planned on being together in Australia, it also dawned me how my things will change: family , work, friends and my life in general. But building a new life with Larrend brought a lot of meaning and self-discovery. I am learning new things here and it doesn't stop from having a new job or learning how to cook. Everything is NEW. At this point, I thought that I have experienced things that an adult has to experience but I was wrong. Larrend may be a tad younger than me but he is always there guiding me. I love him so much and it's still unbelievable how we made a very hard challenge a reality. This is our reality and when reality at the same time feels like a euphoric dream, then you are but blessed and lucky.I am grateful that we have made it this far and we will be sharing new milestones and moments together in the coming years. I am writing this post to create a time-capsule of us. I may not be too much of an update-whore in my social media account because it can be very exhausting but allow me to continue share tidbits of my life here. Thanks everyone  for being the best supporters of our relationship! Cheers! and Happy 2nd year anniv to my babycake!!!


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