SHOES / 1461's

Luck is finding a pair of  shoe that you've been coveting for in a second hand shop  , double luck if its still brand new. I've been looking out for discount deals online of Dr Marten's 1461 in monochrome but here in Australia, this brand is just expensive. I've been to gumtree but still, brand new ones are priced from 100 dollars up. I wasn't even planning on going to a second hand shop this week but me and my boyfriend were  roaming around town. It was an unexpected moment when I saw my dream shoe , 2 meters away from where I stood,  perched on the shelves with a tag of 50 dollars (199AUD original price). A bargain indeed! I wouldn't call this an impulsive purchase because I've been wanting to have this shoe since the beginning . These are the perfect "go-to" shoes that seamlessly blend well with all my outfit. My white ones have been lambasted for 2 years now and this black one is just perfect! There were times that I almost bought this online but I controlled myself not to and now I see the reason why. Second hand shops are the answer for anyone who doesn't wanna spend big on  purchases right away. You may or may not find the stuff that you specifically want but when you do, it's like a magical moment that you cannot explain. 
