pants / ASOS
shoes / Converse Rubber 

 Hello! So this is me wearing the OUI BONJOUR sweater from my previous blog post. Isn't it so lovely? See , I am a small guy with a wide body. I reckon  you would wear this better than me . I just have this passion of blogging my outfits .. since 2009. Oh my God! I am turning 29 this year and I am still here. Even though the friendly Aussies here think I am just 17. No joke! I always believe that your weaknesses can work as  your charm , in my case, my height. And allow me to say, there's something about wearing sweater that rewinds your age in a snap. Not to mention , wearing it with a pair of dirty Converse sneakers. I don't wanna be that person who hides age beneath his clothing. But it still makes your heart melt when you are accused of being way too young than you actually were. Youth is power.
