Another delayed post but nevertheless worth sharing to anyone who loves NYC or travel per se. I am so not regretting spending my savings in this travel. Up until now , I still dream of being in NYC. It's winter now here in Australia but traveling to NYC in winter has created a legit benchmark of what is  #winter #itscoldoutside. From 0 to Freezer, it was a freezer weather indeed! One night it was so cold and I was dreaming I was in NYC and I told myself that I will come back. Wiser and more warmer perhaps. One thing to never forget is huge amounts of moisturizer, leggings, lipbalm and a genuine leather jacket you can count on. Oh no and you cannot expose your skin into the atmosphere unless you are a legit local or a tourist from Sweden. I apologize for not being able to snap more photos. I had an ADD moment whenever I get on the bus or walk the streets. It's hard to focus on one thing and you've only got 24 hours in a day , you see! I would've snapped more photos of fashionable people or people talking and having coffee but they move so fast and it's hard to be a photographer in that city because everything / everyone can be a subject and I chose to capture the moments with my own senses rather than with a device, if you will. But the buildings are so cool! I know I havent been to a lot of cities to have a standard of what's cool or not but NYC is undoubtedly a sight to see.
