ACCESSORIES / Space + Time

Planisphere Watch / Uncommon Goods

Travel, time , directions , navigation. Those are my waterloos. I've never touched a car's steering wheel until this year.  Also, I've only come to realize the value of travelling this year when we went to the U.S.A. When you are raised believing that living in your comfort zone is a way of contentment, you become oblivious as you go along life. Now I think that comfort zone is the enemy of contentment. So when i saw this watch from Uncommon Goods, I was so intrigued! It's a compass + watch in one. It's impossible to get lost in this little town of ours but it's something that I'm keen to use on our next exploration. The watch is unique . Something that most people would skip versus the regular 2-handed wristwatch but I like unique. I like weird. More weird ( and useful) things here!
